Draft National Policy on Dignified Menstruation/MOWSS/WSSCC
Mega event on international MHM day, hosted by four ministries- water, women and children, education and health/MHM PA
7 Point joint declaration by four ministries- Education, Health, WASH and Women and Children on MHM
MHM in curriculum reference book launched as part of the Dang declaration
Regional Workshop on policy advocacy on MHM' in Dang district- in Dang /Swiss Consortium
15 points Dang declaration on MHM
National Policy Consultation Workshop on MHM/Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation (MoWSS
International Master Training of Trainers on MHM. A total of 45 people (39% female) were trained as MHM activists; Ministry of WASH/WSSCC
Establishment of National level MHM Partners Alliance (MHM PA); a common platform where most of the organization working on MHM issue have been affiliated; started with 20 members
Workshop of development of school curriculum related with MHM, hosted by Ministry of women and children/MHM PA
Establishment of National level MHM Partners Alliance (MHM PA); a common platform where most of the organization working on MHM issue have been affiliated; started with 20 members
MHM training package guidelines endorsed by government, WaterAid/NFCC